//Guidance: Crash Course

At the College & Career Crash Course our goal was to inspire students to plan and investigate the future.  If you were unable to attend or are interested in more information please contact guidance to discuss topics in further detail. Below is a brief outline as well as websites we discussed.

AZCIS: http://www.azcis.intocareers.com/
User name Primavera05  Password 4azcis02
Reality Check
Interest Profiler
Arizona Colleges
Resume Writing

O*NET www.onetonline.org
To explore the outlook of potential careers

My Maricopa: http://my.maricopa.edu/
Explore degree options in particular field
Type of degrees
College Options

FAFSA: http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/
FAFSA4caster  http://federalstudentaid.ed.gov/students.html
FREE money
Estimate how much you will pay

Zinch: www.zinch.com
Fastweb: Fastweb.com
Collegeboard: Collegeboard.com
SAT versus ACT
SAT: http://sat.collegeboard.org/register?s_kwcid=TC|7002|sat||S|e|6986189564
ACT: http://www.actstudent.org/
To study and determine which is best for you: http://www.kaptest.com/satactpractice

Job Searching:

Guidance can be contacted at [email protected].