Primavera Online High School celebrated its 2017 graduating class at a commencement ceremony last Friday, July 7, at Grand Canyon University.

It was an exciting event where 370 of our 960 graduates from across the state of Arizona gathered to receive their diploma. Thousands of family members, friends, teachers and staff came together to honor these students’ hard work and accomplishments.

This year, Primavera had more graduates than ever and a higher percentage of graduates planning to continue their education.

  • Community College & University: 64%
  • Trade or Technical School: 10%

Graduates planning to join the workforce: 9%

Graduates planning to join the military: 5%

Numerous students received scholarships totaling more than $700,000 from colleges such as Arizona State University, University of Arizona, Grand Canyon University and Northern Arizona University.

Words of Wisdom for Primavera Graduates

Damian Creamer, Founder, CEO and Executive Director of Primavera Online High School welcomed students, families, friends, teachers and staff to the event. He recalled Primavera’s first graduation ceremony in 2002 where less than a handful of graduates gathered in his office to receive their diploma and well wishes.

After honoring this year’s graduates for their persistence, hard work and dedication, Creamer stated: “There is only one thing better than a Primavera student. Do you know what that is? It’s a Primavera graduate!”

Aspiring Chef with 4.1 GPA Gives Student Speech

Rachael Litwiller delivered our student commencement speech. She graduated Primavera early in January with a 4.1 GPA and won a $120,000 scholarship to Johnson & Wales University through the Careers in Culinary Arts Program at the East Valley Institute of Technology (EVIT). Read Rachael’s story here.

She talked about the difference of online high school: “We at Primavera Online have experienced the non-traditional type of education. In fact, many of us have never met, much less seen each other before today. We do, however, have a few things in common. We know what a synchronized session is.  We know that PSP does not just stand for Play Station Portable. Our teachers — unless we came in for tutoring — would most likely not recognize us at Walmart. Oh, and we can go to school in our PJs if we like, and not just during spirit week.”

Rachael reminisced about a phenomenal teacher who mentored her for a decade and reminded her fellow classmates to remember the family, friends, teachers and mentors who helped them get to where they are.

Former NFL Athlete Motivates and Inspires

JJ Birden, former NFL athlete and author of the book “When Opportunity Knocks 8 Surefire Ways to Take Advantage” delivered a moving speech. He talked about the setbacks and achievements that have gotten him to where he is today. But he focused on the traits that lead to success, not only for him, but for everyone:

  • Discipline – Doing what you need to do when you need to do it when nobody is watching.
  • Humility – Humble people recognize they don’t know everything. They are teachable. They are not interested in becoming comfortable. And they know they every day is another day to become better.
  • Hard Work – There is no substitution for hard work, and you never know what opportunities will arise from it.

Congrats, Grads!

All in all, it was a fun day celebrating our graduating Primavera Panthers! We’re so proud of every one of you and wish you the very best as your journey continues!

  • Did you attend the graduation ceremony? Share with us your thoughts in the comments below!