At Primavera, we have talented, hard-working students who are dedicated to getting their high school diploma online. In this Student Spotlight series, we shine the light on a few of our exceptional Primavera Panthers.

Moving to another state can be rough. Between the task of having to pack everything up and the fear of leaving behind friends, the stress can be overwhelming. For one student here at Primavera, that move became even more stressful when she found out her credits wouldn’t transfer. Check out Sarah’s story of how she got back on track and is set to graduate with Primavera Online High School!

Sarah Heller, grade 12

Sarah is a senior here at Primavera who loves to read and learn. She is also a blogger and novel writer! Things weren’t always so easy for her, however. When she first moved here from Washington, Sarah told us she had to wait six months just to get enrolled at a new school.

In addition to that, Sarah found out nearly half her credits she earned in Washington would not transfer to Arizona schools, putting her over two years behind in school.

“I lived in washington for 16 years before moving down to Arizona,” Sarah said. “When I learned that my credits didn’t transfer, I’m not going to lie. I cried, a lot. Here I am thinking I’m going to finish school, and the next thing I know I have to do another two and a half years of school.”

That’s when Sarah decided to come to Primavera. Instead of getting put on a waiting list, Sarah was able to start in just a few weeks! Plus, with two courses every six weeks and free summer school, she found herself getting closer to graduation.

Although Sarah had to retake a few subjects, she told us that she learned a lot through Primavera’s courses.

“A few months after starting Primavera, I had to retake 9th grade English,” said Sarah. “Though I was annoyed at first, I found it really helped my writing…I even learned words I never learned in the 9th grade.”

From there, Sarah went on to send a novel she wrote to an editor who is working with her to get it published! She told us how Primavera’s courses and flexible schedule have helped her get closer to finalizing her 800-page novel.

“Even Classes like chemistry and world history helped add more to my books. I think it’s fun, and even cool to add real facts into fantasy,” said Sarah. “It adds more to the story. And with Primavera only having six hours (daily) in total for school, I could still work on my novels, look for agents and do chores.”

Sarah told us she hopes to have her book published through an agent before she graduates. After graduation, she plans to one day open her own online publishing house.

“Primavera helps me succeed by letting me follow my dreams while finishing up my high school years. Even if I get an agent and become published while in high school, I would continue with Primavera that way I would work, finish up school, and get my diploma. It would all work around my schedule, I could travel and still do school, talk to people and tell them my story about although I’m still in high school, I can still follow my dream and my passion. ”
– Sarah Heller, senior at Primavera

We are proud of Sarah’s accomplishments in getting back on track to graduate! For more information on our credit recovery courses, click here.

  • What do you think of Sarah’s story? Share with us in the comments below!