As the 2021-22 school year starts, it comes with so many mixed feelings for each family. Some parents (and their kids) can’t wait to get back into the classroom and start to enjoy some normalcy.

Other families have adjusted to life at home, or simply don’t quite feel comfortable being back in a classroom setting yet, and that’s OK too!

Whatever your family’s goals and lifestyle, you should have a quality education fit to you. And that’s where we feel Primavera Online Elementary School comes to help.

We’re one of the oldest schools in Arizona, with 20 years of history under our belt. Online school is our thing. We’ve developed a seamless technological platform to make the learning simple, and our teachers are experienced in online instruction.

So, when the need came for an elementary school offering, we got to work and created what we feel is one of the most personalized and engaging online elementary schools available in the state.

As any parent of a young child knows, keeping an adolescent attention is no easy task. Yet still, a lot of online schools were be extremely text-heavy, very little graphics and boring videos, relying on teachers to give long lectures and hope that worked.

But Primavera’s online k-5 school is different:

About Primavera Online Elementary

Primavera Online Elementary is truly different from anything you’ve seen for a reason: we’re built for the adolescent learner.
Our curriculum is packed with interactive materials, videos and games to engage the young mind. Formative assessments are administered often so that teachers know exactly where their students are at and who might need extra support before they even begin a lesson. Combine our amazing, dedicated teachers (who are highly qualified and state certified) with a curriculum that’s fun, yet challenging, and you can see why hundreds of students are already flocking over to Primavera Online Elementary.

How online elementary school works

At Primavera Online Elementary, your child will need a “Learning Coach,” i.e. a parent or someone who can help guide them through work throughout the school day.

In the mornings, the students will meet with a class and the teacher and learn some lessons together. Then, students break to do some work on the online curriculum. Based on assignments submitted,  teachers gather data from workbooks and quizzes to identify areas students are struggling. Then, afternoon online sessions are held. Teachers and students log in real-time to discuss difficulty points and expound on lessons wherever needed. These sessions are recorded, so a student can access them later.

If your student has a question, they do not have to wait for the online sessions. You (or your child) can email, instant message or call their teachers. For additional personalized attention, students can schedule 1-1 online tutoring sessions.

A little more about Primavera Online Elementary School

  • Tuition-free courses. No fees, no catch, just free.
  • 100% online to learn from the comfort of home or anywhere with internet
  • Accredited by Cognia to receive a real, quality education.
  • A curriculum that’s filled with videos, illustrations, graphic novels and more to enjoy learning.
  • Highly qualified teachers and certified counselors to provide individualized support.

CLASSES START AUGUST 2. Late enrollments are accepted throughout the year on a case-by-case basis.

Ready to enroll? Click the button below to get started.