
At Primavera Online High School, we have countless talented, hard working students! In this series, we highlight one of our outstanding students.

If there is one thing an online high school student understands, it’s that each of us is unique. We love to celebrate our differences with clubs such as Primavera Puzzlers, Gay-Straight Alliance, Manga & Anime and more! One of our students had an eye-opening experience that inspired him to write an essay and even win a contest for it. Check out his story below.

Connor Tummond, 11th grade, BBB Essay contest winner

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When Connor went on an evening out with family to a restaurant, he had no idea that the little girl across from him would soon make a large impact on his life. At the time, she was a girl who looked “different,” and Connor couldn’t help but notice it was drawing all too many stares. The family was quiet, trying to enjoy a normal dinner together.

Not too long after, Connor would end up being a nanny for that same family he saw in the restaurant. As he got to know the little girl, Abby, his whole perspective was changed, as Connor said.

“(Abby) changed my perspective on people with special needs,” said Connor. “She is a child with special needs, not a special needs child.”

As the days went on, Connor grew to understand who Abby truly was. And although he understood, getting others to accept wasn’t an easy task.

“I took Abby to the park and watched as little girls gawked at her on the playground. Abby had asked these girls if they would like to play and the little girls had gotten up and walked away from her without answering her,” Connor recalled. “For me, the hardest part when I am out with Abby is the continuous staring from other people. I cannot imagine what it feels like for her and her family to simply go anywhere and have people stare at them, as if they have something contagiously wrong with them.”

The previous year, Connor had won an essay contest that granted him a small scholarship. He had planned to submit again this year, and this time he knew exactly what his topic would be.

“My essay topic was easily chosen because the person I wrote about had a huge impact on my life,” Connor explained.

Connor wrote his second contest essay with ease this year, as he wrote what came from his heart. Months later, he found out he had again been nominated as a winner in the Better Business Bureau (BBB) essay contest scholarship.

With Primavera, Connor has been able to find more flexibility to continue nannying Abby and her siblings.

“Primavera offers students that work and face challenging circumstances a more flexible schedule,” said Connor.

After graduating with Primavera, Connor plans to attend ASU to study biological science with an emphasis in genetics, cell and development biology. We are proud of Connor’s accomplishments with Primavera!

To read Connor’s essay, click HERE.

“Primavera has allowed me to be more flexible in regards to time and allowed me to graduate early.” – Connor Tummond, 12th grade.