
At Primavera Online High School, we have countless talented, hard working students! In this series, we highlight one of our outstanding students.

One of our favorite quotes at Primavera (you can find it hanging in our Primavera Learning Center) is this:

“Whether you think you can or you can’t–you are right.” -Henry Ford

No matter who you are or what part of Arizona you live in, we believe all students are capable of earning their high school diplomas while accomplishing whatever they set their minds to along the way! One of our students is doing just that; despite her disabilities that could set her back, she is continuing to thrive! Check out her story below.

Schuyler (Skye) Courtemanche, artist and Primavera student


Schuyler (Skye), 17, is an 11th grade student who loves all things art. In fact, she has drawn a few pieces of pretty exquisite artwork, as you can see in the photos below.

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What you might not know looking at these incredible drawings is that Skye is nearly blind.

“I would say I am unique because of my eyesight,” said Skye. “My vision is extremely bad and people are always asking me what it is like to not be able to see like others. But from my point of view what I see I think everyone else sees. I am unique not only because I’m left handed but also because I can see what others cannot. When I look at a tree I don’t see a tree, what I see is one singular shape forming into another to make a tree.”

While she is excelling here at Primavera, that wasn’t always the case. At her old school, Skye experienced difficulties that made high school hard for her.

“I was having a hard time fitting into the public school social environment,” said Skye. “I went to school to learn, not to be harassed. So I went to my counselor and she told me about Primavera.”

Since she’s switched to Primavera, Skye’s grades and enthusiasm for learning in general has significantly increased.

I had been struggling with school since the third grade. At first I thought it was because I didn’t like to learn but later I had realized it was the people that made school so aggravating,” said Skye. “I found out about Primavera and saw that I could have a flexible schedule and I could be at home with no bullies or other peer pressures I used to get at public school, plus I can really get to know my teachers.”

Through Primavera, Skye has been able to make more friends, improve her grades and have time to focus on her artwork, and we are more than proud of her accomplishments! After graduating with us, Skye hopes to publish her first graphic novel.

“Primavera is something everyone should try and because of Primavera’s flexible schedule I can work for my passion, be myself, and get an education.” – Schuyler (Skye) Courtemannche, 11th grade

  • Students, what do you think of Skye’s story? Share with us in the comments below!