The Panther Post features talented Primavera students with a love for the arts. This month, we’re sharing an inspiring freestyle poem written by Primavera student Christina (Chris) Carmichael.

“I was inpired when I was listening to the songs ‘Lullaby’ by Nickelback and ‘Waiting for the End’ by Linkin Park. I was in a low state of mind when I wrote this…writing this poem to those songs made the sun rise in my soul to brighten my vision of how life can be if I don’t throw it away.”
– Chris Carmichael, 16, sophomore

Not the End Lullaby

They all say
“I should have tried”
I say the reason
“Is feeling pain in me
And seeing it in others”
It’s not their fault

I didn’t even know
Unsaid words could hurt
They were what kept my feet
On earth’s solid ground
I never thought of it
As the easy way to escape

I’m now reaching to you
You’re my reason
To keep hanging on
I’ve been abandoned
Couldn’t ever leave you stuck
To ponder the same fate

Trying to forget is a lie
Never forgotten but always a past
Taunting spins my mind to no avail
Dizzy, hitting the bottom
Why go on to be tortured?
I can’t get up from this fall

He said to give it one more try
Realizing he was scared
Afraid to meet my end
I’m not alone; never was
His faith in me kept me alive
I’m not over; my life isn’t either

Now I see a light
At the end of the tunnel
Too wrapped in self-pity
Blinding of myself of the good
I can see it all plain as day
Water from my eyes; clear as clear can be

We want to hear from you!

Whether you like to write short stories, poems, movie reviews or have a passion for another form of art, your work can be featured on our Panther Post.

To apply, email [email protected] and include a brief description of your artwork or piece, a few sentences letting us know more about yourself and anything else that can tell the story of your masterpiece!

  • Tell us what you think about Chris’s poem in the comments below!